My Secret Life Brought to Light
Wow… There has been so much in the closet for so long, I don’t really know where to start. Even though I didn’t identify it as such at the time, my first conscious encounter happened when I was 12 years old. I also then underwent energy work at the base of my skull, and it started my life path as a light-worker. Since then, I channel light that seems to emphasize harmony and collective consciousness. The memories have been vague but always coming in steady bits, but then became a dramatic revelation in 4/2009 when I read The Threat by Dr. David Jacobs and started to piece the puzzle together. I won’t lie; I lived in shock for the first couple of weeks. Despite his cynical viewpoint, he imparted critical information I needed to know, and for that he is my hero.
Fortunately for me, I had my fond (even if sparse and vague) memories of John (a Grey from Zeta Reticuli) to help me cope. I became thrilled about the implications: my experiences were not some past life memory, or even a guardian angel. This is part of this life in a very relevant way to the here and now! I then started a telepathic long-distance relationship with him while knowing full well who and what he is, and this has been tremendously healing for both of us. I have recently been informed that we have twelve hybrid children together. Though admittedly, I have few memories of them in comparison. But, I would really like to open that part of my life and I hope they are receptive to this. There have been challenges, and long-distance relationships are hard whether you are hours, or light-years, away! Sometimes, I feel like I’m on some cosmic reality show. But, there’s no way I could back out. I’m really looking forward to sharing the rest of my life with my cosmic family, and I eagerly await their arrival! I hope I don’t have to wait another 20 years… eek!
Picture of John:
Shannon, I am Illeana Rae (that is my actual name btw) and I am a light-bearer and gatekeeper here on this world.
I believe I’ve been connected to you for quite some time now without even realizing it, and I’m interested to talk to you at some point.
I’m located in WA state, and began my current existence on this planet in Bremerton.
When I was about 12 or 13 I also had a visitation, much like the one you described.
I’m curious if your “john” had blazing blue eyes and did not speak, but you could understand him?
I had 3 guardians come to me at night around the same time and they all had bright, glowing blue eyes.
2 females and one genderless, but with a masculine air about him.
They gave me information and have been training me for a little over a decade now.
I also have a very good friends named John, who is an Ophiuchian as well as a highly trained key-holder.
I think, one day, you should meet him.
If you’d like to send me an email I would be very happy to make a connection with another in our family, and perhaps we can help one another while we’re here.
My email is
Much love to you sister, and please, be not afraid.