Get Involved ~ Joining the Galactic Family Tree
Welcome! What we’re creating here together is a big deal! We are among the first human galactic pioneers, among the first to speak our knowing so others have the courage to step into their experiences and hybrid parenthood!! THE VERY FIRST ET PTA (Parent Transformation Association)!
We’d love to have new hybrid parents contribute and disclose their galactic parenthood. There are many outcomes and opportunities that will occur by contributing. One of the hot ET topics is disclosure; one of the ways for our governments to disclose is to go public ourselves (the micro) so that the energy can collectively reflect on a global level. One of the big challenges in coming forth with our ET experiences and hybrid children realization is that our family and friends might not approve, think we’re crazy or disown us. All of those are possibilities. The important question to ask yourself is how personally risky is it NOT to be fully expressed as your true self? There may be some repulsing, but you’re sure to attract a new vibrational family who can support and encourage your experiences and knowings. Take it from us. We know what we’re talking about!
Please know that we support you to whatever degree you’re excited to participate in this hybrid reality!
3 Ways You Can Get Involved
1- Acknowledge and Support The Hybrid Kids! Join our Facebook Fan Page and our Facebook Group.
2- Contribute! Write a post about an ET contact experience you’ve had or a memory/connection with your hybrid children. You can also be a part of our Parent/Supporter Page.
3- Live It! For those who are willing and determined to be full-out expressed and shift to the reality where the hybrids land, we’re excited to have you be a part of our physical communities. We’re in the process of getting our first location so in the meantime please visit the website and begin transitioning and preparing yourself to live in this new way. We’ll need assistance and resources on many levels so contact us and we’ll come up with creative ways of working together!