PHILIP MOLLICA ~Clarkston, Michigan~

PHILIP MOLLICA ~Clarkston, Michigan~

“I had begun a spiritual journey back in late 2009 after being introduced to Abraham and Seth. While meditating early in 2010, I had asked what my origin was. I got one word… “Lyra.” I had no idea what the significance of that was, never heard it before, except that I...
Venzzy, My Magical Hybrid Daughter

Venzzy, My Magical Hybrid Daughter

By Jolanda van Dalen Halsteren (The Netherlands) When I was a young girl, some fifty years ago, my mother said to me:  “You are such a strange kid, you must come from another planet.” With a big smile on my lips, I now realize she spoke the truth. At that time I...


By Sharon McCormick My daughter Daisy loves three things: horses, dancing and playing. Many of the hybrid children and other-dimensional beings keep urging us humans to play, play, play! Daisy lives it. Furthermore, she’s very clear about who she is and what she...
Hangin’ with My Dad!

Hangin’ with My Dad!

Hi Everybody! Did you know my Dad is a Grey? Mom used to be a little scared of the Greys but now she’s totally cool with them. The very first blog she wrote for our Hybrid Children Community website was about meeting my Dad, thanks to Auntie Bridget’s painting. If...


By Sigrid Karssens (The Netherlands) Here is the story of my beautiful son Sion. His name was given to me. Now he is two years old and in dreams (that I am able to remember more or less), I am still feeding him with mother’s milk and lots of love. At that moment he is...