

“Vida” is a little angel, fairy, butterfly light being! This little hybrid girl interacts with the smallest of magical things~ bugs, butterflies, dew drops and blooming buds. She flies around in the etheric realms working with angels and nature spirits to...
Get Involved ~ Joining the Galactic Family Tree

Get Involved ~ Joining the Galactic Family Tree

Welcome!  What we’re creating here together is a big deal!  We are among the first human galactic pioneers, among the first to speak our knowing so others have the courage to step into their experiences and hybrid parenthood!! THE VERY FIRST ET PTA (Parent...
Pedra “Stone”

Pedra “Stone”

Meet Pedra (“Stone”)! This little boy is super sweet and quite “alien”… He’s a nocturne~ always out at night, communicating with the glowing stars and creatures that come alive under the moon! During the day he’s in the depths of...


Bridget’s Daughter Crystal is my healer and teacher. My clairvoyant friend first saw her during a reiki session with me. Crystal was helping her send light into me… She was very serious and zipped around the room creating an energy vortex. Crystal is...
3 Ways to Connect with your Hybrid Children

3 Ways to Connect with your Hybrid Children

By Bridget Nielsen There are infinite ways to connect with your hybrid children! The best and fastest way to “make contact” is through your heart. Heart-to-heart communication will build your relationship with them in no time!  1. Play with Them! The...